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Are Your Email Open Rates Losing You Sales? Industry Benchmarks & Optimization

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In today's digital landscape, email marketing remains one of the most powerful tools for businesses to reach and engage their audience. However, the effectiveness of email campaigns largely hinges on one key metric: the dreaded email open rate! 

This seemingly simple figure can make or break the success of your marketing efforts, offering critical insights into how well your messages resonate with your audience.

Understanding industry benchmarks and trends is crucial to setting realistic goals and optimizing your strategies. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the latest data on average email open rates across various industries in 2024. 

We'll also dive into actionable tips and strategies to help you improve your email open rates, ensuring that your campaigns not only reach your audience but also compel them to engage.

What is an Email Open Rate?

An email open rate is a metric that indicates the percentage of recipients who opened a specific email out of the total number of recipients who received it. It is calculated using the following formula:

graphic showing equation of how to work out your open rate percentage

This metric is a vital indicator of how effective your email campaigns are at capturing the attention of your audience:

  • High open rates typically suggest that your subject lines are compelling and that your emails are reaching a relevant audience. 
  • Conversely, low open rates may indicate issues with email deliverability, subject lines, or audience targeting.

Understanding your email open rate is essential for assessing the overall health of your email marketing efforts and identifying areas for improvement.

How to Measure Your Email Open Rate Accurately

Accurately measuring your email open rate is becoming increasingly challenging, particularly with recent changes in email client privacy policies, such as Apple’s Mail Privacy Protection (MPP). 

These changes can obscure open rate data, making it less reliable as a standalone metric. To ensure accuracy:

  • Use Reliable Tools: Employ email marketing platforms like Mailchimp, Ramp CRM or HubSpot, which offer advanced analytics that can help mitigate the impact of privacy changes.
  • Holistic Email Tracking: Instead of focusing solely on open rates, track other metrics like click-through rates and conversion rates to get a more comprehensive view of your email campaign's effectiveness.

By understanding and adapting to these changes, you can still glean valuable insights from your open rate data.

Industry-Specific Email Open Rates in 2024

In 2024, email open rates vary significantly across different industries, reflecting the unique characteristics, audience behavior, and content strategies of each sector. 

horizontal bar chart showing a snapshot into 10 industry open rates

Whilst the overall average open rate sits at 35.63%, here’s an overview of the average open rates across various industries, as reported by Mailchimp’s latest 2024 insights:

  • agriculture and food services 38.02%
  • architecture and construction 31.08%
  • arts and artists 42.17%
  • beauty and personal care 31.90%
  • business and finance 31.35%
  • computers and electronics 26.98%
  • consulting 29.61%
  • creative services/agency 32.37%
  • daily deals/e-coupons 27.59%
  • ecommerce 29.81%
  • education and training 35.64%
  • entertainment and events 37.30%
  • games 31.46%
  • government 40.56%
  • health and fitness 37.07%
  • hobbies 40.55%
  • home and garden 35.69%
  • insurance 30.08%
  • legal 31.40%
  • manufacturing 29.08%
  • marketing and advertising 29.71%
  • media and publishing 34.23%
  • medical, dental, and healthcare 34.65%
  • mobile 31.02%
  • music and musicians 36.94%
  • non-profit 40.04%
  • photo and video 37.44%
  • politics 36.10%
  • professional services 32.74%
  • public relations 33.69%
  • real estate 35.38%
  • recruitment and staffing 32.40%
  • religion 43.97%
  • restaurant and venue 40.03%
  • retail 35.05%
  • social networks and online communities 37.15%
  • software and web app 28.12%
  • sports 41.84%
  • telecommunications 30.57%
  • travel and transportation 33.25%
  • vitamin supplements 27.35%

Why Do Email Open Rates Differ?

Several factors contribute to the variation in email open rates across different industries, and understanding these differences can help you set realistic benchmarks and tailor your email marketing strategies more effectively.

You might be surprised by some of the highest open rate sectors…

Content Relevance

The relevance of the content plays a major role in email open rates. For example, personalized and targeted content in the retail and education sectors can significantly boost open rates.

Government emails are a leader in this category since emails in this sector often contain essential updates or critical information that recipients are highly motivated to open​. 

It’s no surprise then that government emails enjoy a higher-than-average email open rate of 40.56%.

Email Volume

Industries that send a high volume of emails, like retail or media, may experience lower open rates due to email fatigue. Recipients in these sectors might receive multiple emails daily, making it harder for any single email to stand out​.

You might be surprised to learn that retail (35.05%) and telecommunications (30.57%) sit below the average open rate - despite often delivering promotions, coupons and vouchers, these emails can get repetitive.  

Email Timing

The timing of email delivery also impacts open rates. For example, sending emails during optimal times (early morning or late afternoon) can improve open rates across various industries.

Channel Preferences

In industries, the target audience may prefer other communication methods over email, such as social media or other messaging platforms like WhatsApp, which can lead to lower open rates.

Gaming is particularly striking with a below-average email open rate of 31.46%. Typically, individuals into gaming are more ‘tech-savvy’ and may prefer to receive marketing communications through platforms like telegram and discord.

Audience Engagement Levels 

Industries with highly engaged audiences, such as healthcare, government sectors and pet services tend to see higher open rates since these emails often deliver important, timely news and insights.

Sports, religion, and hobbies are all great examples of industries with high open rates, each with over 40% open rate; 40.55%, 43.97% and 41.84% respectively. 

Since these audiences are typically very engaged and passionate about the topics, this naturally leads to higher open rates; who wouldn’t want to receive information on a subject they’re passionate about? 

vertical bar chart with 3 bars showing open rates for 3 top-performing industries; sports, religion and hobbies at 40.55%, 43.97% and 41.84% respectively

By understanding the factors that influence open rates, and comparing industry averages, businesses can improve marketing emails to better align with industry-specific benchmarks and audience preferences. 

This also helps with setting realistic expectations for your own campaigns and identifying areas for improvement to ultimately improve email open rates.

How to Improve Your Email Open Rates

Improving your email open rates is a multifaceted challenge that requires both strategic planning and tactical execution. By focusing on the following areas, you can enhance your email marketing effectiveness and ensure that more of your messages are not just delivered but also opened and engaged with by your audience.

1. Craft Compelling Subject Lines

Your subject line is the gateway to your email content and plays a critical role in whether your email will be opened. To maximize your open rates, consider the following best practices:

  • Keep It Short and Punchy: Subject lines should be concise, typically under 60 characters or about 9 words, to ensure they are fully visible, especially on mobile devices. Short subject lines are more likely to catch the recipient’s eye as they scan through their inbox​ (Mailchimp)​ (Influencer Marketing Hub).
  • Personalization Emails: Incorporating the recipient’s name, location, or past interactions in the subject line can significantly boost open rates. Personalization creates a sense of connection and relevance, making the recipient more likely to open the email. For instance, a subject line like “John, Your Exclusive Offer Inside” is more engaging than a generic “Exclusive Offer Inside”​ (Mailchimp)​ (Influencer Marketing Hub).
  • Urgency and Relevance: Adding a sense of urgency or exclusivity can encourage immediate action. Phrases like “Last Chance” or “Limited Time Offer” can prompt recipients to open the email right away. However, ensure the urgency is genuine, as misleading subject lines can damage trust and hurt long-term engagement​ (GetResponse).
  • A/B Testing: Regularly test different subject lines to determine what resonates best with your audience. A/B testing allows you to experiment with variations in tone, length, personalization, and content, helping you refine your strategy over time​ (GetResponse).

2. Segment Your Audience

Segmentation is one of the most powerful tools in email marketing. By dividing your email list into smaller groups based on specific criteria, you can tailor your content to be more relevant and engaging for each segment, leading to higher open rates.

  • Demographic Segmentation: Group your subscribers by demographics such as age, gender, location, or job title. Tailor your messaging to address the specific needs and interests of each group. For example, a clothing retailer might send different emails to men and women, highlighting gender-specific products​ (Klaviyo).
  • Behavioral Segmentation: Analyze your subscribers' past behavior, such as their interaction with previous emails, purchase history, or website activity. This allows you to send highly targeted emails that reflect the recipient's interests and needs. For example, a subscriber who frequently clicks on links related to a specific product category might receive more content focused on that area​ (Mailchimp)​ (Klaviyo).
  • Engagement-Based Segmentation: Differentiate between active and inactive subscribers. For highly engaged users, continue to provide them with high-value content. For less active subscribers, consider sending re-engagement campaigns with special offers or surveys to understand their current needs and preferences​ (Mailchimp)​ (Influencer Marketing Hub).

3. Optimize Send Timing

Timing plays a crucial role in the success of your email marketing campaigns. Sending your emails at the optimal time can significantly increase the likelihood of them being opened.

  • Timing Based on Audience Behavior: Studies suggest that sending emails early in the morning (between 4-6 AM) or late in the afternoon (between 5-7 PM) often yields the highest open rates. These times align with when people typically check their emails either at the start or end of their workday​ (GetResponse).
line graph showing email open rates by time of day

[Data Source]

  • Day of the Week: While Tuesdays and Thursdays are generally considered the best days to send emails, it’s essential to test and identify the optimal day for your specific audience. For example, a B2B audience might respond better to mid-week emails, while a B2C audience might engage more over the weekend​. 
  • Time Zone Segmentation: For global audiences, it’s crucial to consider time zone differences. CRMs or specific marketing automation tools can allow you to schedule emails based on the recipient’s local time and can help ensure your emails arrive when they are most likely to be read. 

4. Provide Valuable Content

The content within your emails plays a significant role in whether your audience continues to open your messages. Providing value consistently builds trust and keeps your subscribers engaged.

  • Relevant and Engaging Content: Ensure your emails offer something of value, whether it’s informative content, exclusive offers, or useful tips. The more relevant the content is to the recipient’s interests and needs, the more likely they are to open future emails​.
  • Content Variety: Mix up your content to keep it interesting. Include articles, videos, infographics, and user-generated content to cater to different preferences. By varying your content, you can appeal to a broader audience and boost email engagement.
  • Clear and Compelling Calls to Action (CTAs): Ensure your emails have a clear purpose, and the CTA is easy to understand and follow. Whether it’s downloading a resource, making a purchase, or reading an article, the CTA should align with the recipient's interests.
  • Frequency of Content Delivered: Maintaining a consistent sending schedule gets email list subscribers used to receiving your content, and in some cases, expecting it. For example, a weekly email newsletter that lands in inboxes at 11am every Friday morning.  

5. Improve Deliverability and Combat Spam

Even the best email content won’t be effective if it doesn’t reach the recipient’s inbox. Improving your deliverability rates and avoiding spam filters are essential to maintaining high open rates.

  • Clean Your Email List Regularly: Regularly remove inactive or unengaged subscribers from your list. This not only improves your deliverability rates but also ensures you’re focusing on an audience that is more likely to engage with your content​.
  • Authenticate Your Emails: Use email authentication protocols like SPF, DKIM, and DMARC to improve your sender reputation and reduce the chances of your emails being marked as spam. A strong sender reputation is crucial for ensuring your emails land in the inbox rather than the spam folder​.
  • Avoid Spammy Language: Certain words and phrases can trigger spam filters, especially if overused. Avoid excessive use of words like “Free,” “Urgent,” or “Buy Now,” and limit the use of special characters and excessive punctuation​.
  • Use a Trusted Email Address: It goes without saying, but do not set up to send emails from a personal address like a or! Not only does this look unprofessional but it raises skepticism as to whether you’re a legitimate business. Always send emails from a domain that aligns with your website address. 

6. Optimize for Mobile and Desktop

With a significant portion of emails being opened on mobile devices, it’s essential to ensure your emails are optimized for both mobile and desktop viewing.

  • Responsive Email Designs: Use responsive email templates that automatically adjust to different screen sizes. This ensures that your emails are easy to read and navigate whether viewed on a smartphone, tablet, or desktop.
email marketing design examples by Beyond Agency
  • Short and Scannable Content: Mobile users often scan content quickly, so keep your email content concise and to the point. Use bullet points, short paragraphs, and clear headings to make your emails easy to digest on smaller screens​.
  • Test Across Devices: Before sending out your emails, test them on multiple devices and email clients to ensure they render correctly everywhere. This helps prevent any formatting issues that could negatively impact the user experience and reduce open rates.

7. Build and Maintain Trust

Trust is a critical factor in email marketing. If your subscribers trust your brand, they’re more likely to open your emails consistently.

  • Consistent Branding: Maintain a consistent brand voice, design, and messaging across all your emails. Consistency helps reinforce your brand identity and makes your emails more recognizable, which can increase open rates​.
  • Privacy and Transparency: Be transparent about how you use subscribers’ data and always respect their privacy. Clearly outline your data usage policies and make it easy for subscribers to manage their preferences or opt out if they choose​.
  • Deliver on Promises: If you promise something in your subject line, make sure you deliver it in the email. Misleading subject lines can erode trust and lead to lower open rates in the long term​.

8. Use a Clear Call-to-Action (CTA)

Whilst a call-to-action isn’t seen until AFTER an email is opened, it is worth mentioning in this article as it’s a vital aspect of any email campaign optimization. It guides your recipients towards the desired action, whether it’s making a purchase, signing up for a webinar, downloading a resource, or simply learning more about your product or service. 

At the end of the day, the whole reason we want a recipient to open an email is to take action!

Why a Clear CTA is Important

  • Direct User Action: A clear CTA removes any ambiguity and tells the recipient exactly what to do next. This can prevent them from getting lost or distracted by other elements in the email, ensuring they take the intended action. For example:
  • Be Specific and Action-Oriented: Use action verbs that clearly describe what the recipient should do next. Phrases like “Download Now,” “Get Your Free Trial,” or “Shop the Sale” are clear and direct, leaving no room for confusion about the next step. 
  • Keep it Short and Sweet: Your CTA should be concise and to the point, ideally no more than 2-3 words. A short, punchy CTA is more memorable and easier for recipients to act on quickly. For example, “Learn More” or “Join Us” can be more effective than longer, more complicated CTAs.
  • Make it Visually Prominent: The CTA should stand out in your email. Use contrasting colors to make the CTA button or link pop against the background of your email. The button should be large enough to be easily clickable, especially on mobile devices, but not so large that it overwhelms other content.
  • Positioning Matters: Place your CTA in a location that makes sense for the flow of your email. Often, the best placement is near the top of the email so that it’s visible without scrolling. However, repeating the CTA at the bottom or throughout the email can also be effective, especially in longer emails where readers might need a reminder as they scroll down.
  • Create a Sense of Urgency: Incorporating urgency in your CTA can motivate recipients to act immediately. Phrases like “Limited Time Offer,” “Only a Few Spots Left,” or “Ends Today” create a sense of scarcity, encouraging quicker responses.
  • Test and Optimize: Just like with subject lines, A/B testing your CTAs can help you identify what works best for your audience. Experiment with different wording, colors, and placements to see what drives the most engagement. Regularly optimizing your CTAs based on these insights will improve their effectiveness over time.

A well-crafted CTA can significantly increase your conversion rates by encouraging recipients to move further down the sales funnel. Whether it’s clicking through to a landing page, filling out a form, or making a purchase, the CTA is the crucial step that turns interest into action.

Email Marketing Trends for Increasing Open Rates in 2024

The email marketing landscape is constantly evolving, and staying on top of emerging trends is crucial. 

Here’s what to watch for in 2024:

Privacy Regulations

As privacy laws and email client updates (like Apple’s MPP) continue to evolve, they will likely impact how open rates are tracked and reported.

Mobile Optimization

With a significant portion of emails being opened on mobile devices, ensuring your emails are mobile-friendly is more important than ever.

Interactive Content

Recipients need to be engaged and stimulated quickly. Including interactive elements such as polls, surveys, and embedded videos can boost engagement and improve open rates.

Email Marketing Tools & Resources

To help you achieve the best possible results in your email marketing efforts, it’s crucial to implement tools and software in your business that allow for both efficient and effective email delivery and data points to monitor email success. 

Our number 1 tool for email marketing and automation is Ramp CRM. Through Ramp, email campaigns not only look fantastic (if you have a great design eye) but they can be integrated into all sorts of smart automations, saving you time and money on your email marketing efforts. 

Plus, the email marketing metrics available give crystal clear insights on email marketing performance, like this: 

screenshot inside Ramp CRM showing email marketing statistics such as open rate

Detailed analytics enable businesses to track the performance of email campaigns, from KPIs like open rates and click through rates to ROI based on product sales within emails. 

The Future of Email Marketing

It’s been claimed for decades that emails are dying out, we say to the contrary! 

Emails, to this day, are one of the most successful marketing channels a business can leverage. 

Building an email list of warm leads, hot prospects and loyal customers is integral for any business. 

By understanding industry email open rates and more generally, email open rate benchmarks, along with accurately measuring your performance, and implementing strategies to improve engagement, you can significantly enhance the overall effectiveness of your email campaigns. 

Keep an eye on emerging trends and continue refining your approach to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of email marketing! 

Emma Fieldhouse Founder of Beyond Agency
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